
At Clarity Through Mind Surgery, our mission is to offer profound, truth-based emotional and mental healing rooted in Catholic values. We guide individuals from all backgrounds through a transformative process of clearing deep-seated obstacles, allowing them to experience lasting freedom, peace, and clarity in their lives.

We are a Catholic ministry, dedicated to helping people heal from emotional and mental challenges through a unique, faith-rooted approach. Our process, known as Mind Surgery, focuses on addressing the core issues holding individuals back by working through deeply ingrained memories and thought patterns. Open to people from all walks of life, we believe in offering healing that goes beyond surface-level relief, guiding individuals toward lasting transformation and freedom.
How it works
Our services
7 Projecting Muscles
Memory Canvas
To be split
Absorber memory

Your brain doesn't have to rule you.

Want to avoid emotional triggers in any situation?

I'll help nail down which memory

I'll assist you in locating the offender and help you put it in the frontal lobe modifier.

and disassociate them

Our deep understanding of complex character simulator, muscle memory, memory split & merger, 7 orbital projectors, memory eraser, and modifier muscles will get rid of your problems.

Don't be afraid

You are fully conscious and not becoming another person. All day long, your brain works in this manner, but without a specific purpose.

but, a few SECONDS later

You might feel at ease, disappointed, or in tears.

The sign of letting go and removal from any danger.

You still remember but don't care

When you detach a memory from another, associated with danger, it will then be of the past without further need of self-talk, hypnosis, or suppression.

What clients have said

~ Mayo from California

I was introduced to this mind surgery technique after being pointed out about things that changed my tone or expression in a conversation. The stuff that was pointed out was basically the stuff that made me a bit anxious or annoyed or even angry. I decided to try this process to mend things that are simpler in nature. Darren guided me in the process. It helped. When a similar situation occurs, I wouldn’t feel bothered or annoyed like before. One thing that everyone needs to know is that most of the simple stuff that annoys us now is due to something that is embedded in our mind from a long time ago. Mending some simple things that makes our mind irritated may lead us to the need of mending something that is more fundamental. I recommend everyone to try this technique and even learn it, as it may become useful in the future.

~ Nita from Jakarta

How long have you tried to permanently delete a person from your memory? It felt like an eternity until I met Darren. He assisted me in digging the root and erasing that person's memory in a couple of minutes! But that's merely the beginning. After seeing how well the mind surgery technique worked, I decided to try to continue the process and noticed that even minor thoughts or beliefs might block my mind in specific ways, resulting in personal goal disorientation. Surprisingly, this mind surgery technique easily removed the barriers! I was also dealing with a variety of issues, and mind surgery technique assisted me in easily overcoming them. I now have a clearer, more confident vision. I wholeheartedly recommended everyone seeking recovery, development, and well-being to use this mind surgery technique.

Some Techniques


APOLOGIZING (Memory Simulation)

You probably haven't heard of this before, but the best way of healing from trauma involving another person is to disarm both sides and reconcile with mutual consent. This is because a memory of another person is a cumulative predictive memory that models their behavior. After dealing with thousands of cases, I have found numerous reasons why our mental image of the culprit won't give in and apologize. I will guide you through the process to ensure reconciliation. This technique only applies to one set of occasions. Therefore, to feel totally comfortable with a person in front of you, you might need to straighten out other memories, possibly even hundreds of them in the case of family.

SPLIT & MERGE (Memory Operation)

We associate, think about, and label the world around us all the time. However, disassociating, removing, and relabeling are almost unheard of in our society. The so-called corporate hype of unlearning and anger management is nothing but creating a new memory to ignore or suppress the old one. These not-so-good approaches create confusion, depression, and frequent mistakes in our lives. My splitting and merging technique permanently disassociates or reassociates multiple memories. This is useful for creating subconscious behavior, removing danger and false identity, among other things. While it is not certain, the disassociating seems to cut off neuron connections between two sets of collective signals.

REMOVAL (Memory Operation)

Do you find it difficult not to bring work home? You might have heard others telling you to exercise or do something else to forget about your main focus. When you exercise to forget about things, you might develop a vision of a relaxed you as the end result, making it stressful when you start your exercise. Likewise, playing games or going to parties to forget things is nothing but toxic escapism that often leads to a total waste of time. Those who use these unhealthy approaches tend to be stressed or even depressed when doing it, as they beat themselves up to forget about something. This is most severe in the case of traumatic memories, depending on the level of escapism they have developed over the years. The good news is, we can teach you how to remove anything from your mind, whether it's to forget what an "apple" is, disgust over something, or to get rid of those who bothered you in the past. Removal technique is your the best friend to get rid of your insecurity, because you can now willingly removes your securiy, not just by saying you will let it go.

STRAIGHTENING (Memory Restructuring)

"The truth will set you free." If you are unaware, this was the word of Jesus. The structure of reality we learned growing up will eventually block, control, push, or defeat us in life. We need to distinguish information from the structure of reality. One is just knowledge, the other is philosophy, where we merge it with other memories that run our subconscious mind. If facing failures, disasters, and challenges beat us mentally, it means our structure of reality is likely to be wrong. Those who live peacefully and can laugh at any time without bitterness or any muscle response post-disasters are those who have found the truth about the subject. We can either converse about your situation and let you decide in the future to change your mind, or we can immediately place the change in your traumatic memories for immediate results.

PINCHING (Memory Operation)

If you have muscle cramps, organ cramps, or unbearable pain caused by your mind, we can remove it within a few seconds. While a leg cramp might disappear forever, organ cramps, skin rashes, and similar issues are often products of numerous unhealthy associations in our minds. When we remove the subject of pressure our brain is pressing so severely, our brain may go out of control, scanning all over our body or seeking different memories to target as an escape. Therefore, cramps that have occurred multiple times, or what is often labeled as chronic, could easily return until you thoroughly dissect your mind to address such escaping options. However, the pinching technique is a great way to temporarily soothe ourselves and find other culprits without any need for paracetamol.

RESURFACE (Memory Clean Up)

You might hear people around you saying, "I want to forget," "I can't stop thinking about it," or "I can't remember anything about traumatic memories." I have dealt with hundreds of these cases, and so far, none failed to keep its secret hidden. There are a few factors that lead one to such a condition. In severe cases, it could be pure muscle memory, often in the dura mater area, squeezing the surrounding muscles whenever we try to remember any of its associated memories. In frequent depression and traumatic cases, they are still raw and accessible, but the multitude of escapisms and angers are protecting them from being accessed. To heal the severe situation in regard to accessing your own molecular memory to squeeze, you need a long term and might take years before you can identify yours. However, the generic cases can be resurfaced quickly as long as you will it. Contrary to the victim mentality that often exaggerates how bad things have been for them, there is no correlation between how bad you consider what happened to you and how complicated you have developed a habit to avoid a memory. War, murder, drowning, blame, and accusation are all the same.

READING (On my end)

Like what entertainment mentalists perform, our brain can roughly redraw what others are drawing in their mind. This is due to its natural function to mimic emotional tension in others. By focusing on a blank canvas in our left prefrontal cortex, we can let our right brain fill in the canvas with junk images and memories that fit the muscular contractions throughout our body due to the emotion felt from another person. This has nothing to do with supernatural phenomena, it is not 100% the same image but good enough to identify what they are. This technique is reserved only for those who really need immediate help but can't seem to process their mind.


There are hundreds of techniques I have developed over the years, each suited to specific muscle strengths asserted by our brain. Some techniques are more suitable for a sweeter ending than others. From removing pain during a period, inflamed thyroid, stuck muscle support due to disc hernia, to unwanted sexual arousal, each condition has its own case studies and may require custom techniques.
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I help co-identify & instantly adjust problematic memories that control your mind.

Eliminate Anger & Pet Peeves

Send your farewell to perpetual self-talk, reminders, walls, or exploding around some subjects

Move On With Your Life

Has been a decade since you lost your life? Remove your insecurities, past prides, and journey to a new unknown fearlessly.

Eliminate Your Constraints

Always afraid to do things? Have strong opinions? Be free to choose good, not because you have to.

Repair Your Identity

Who are you? A sick person? A cool person? A winner? A rich person? Most identities are filling your insecurities that control your behavior.

Stop Memory Replay

Have been blue all the time. Emotional roller coaster and tons of escapisms pile up, still not solving the issue?

Undo Dangereous Memories

When things are dangerous, any muscles may contract and it could be the brain muscle, making us forgetting the memory, or perhaps simply getting upset. Undo the muscle memories to be free.

Remove Unwanted Words

Do you always think of a certain word, believing in it so much, that you let yourself go through bad situations unwillingly?

Remove Programmed Mind

Do you often force yourself and treating mind like a robot? Be free while retaining the conscious choice to perform them only if necessary.
1. Let's chat and see if you are willing to open up.
2. Decide to do what it takes to face & remove your fear.
3. Stop at any time.
4. 1st Zoom (video) session is free, no string attached.

Not For

Those seeking medical help, those with prior brain injuries, those treating us like a licensed therapy (insurance,legal,etc), those who are not interested in making a personal decision to do whatever it takes to face their fears and problems..


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Mind Surgery is currently operating under Catholicer, a California based 501c3 in good standing. By submitting this information, I consent the use of personal information in accordance with our privacy statement.
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Moving Brain Parts. A few decades ago in Jakarta, I, Darren Gozali, experienced sharp pains in my brain from holding in my intense rage. Since then, I have had to frequently focus my mind on my brain, worrying the worst. At the University of Michigan, I noticed that on a brain citi scan of a person marked in red when performing a specific action, the area in/around my brain that slightly moved when I tried to perform that same action, such as smelling or focusing on hearing. So what? It seemed useless at that time to MRI your own brain.

Accidental Discovery. With an inner healing background from leading a lay Carmelite community, I ministered free inner healing sessions for entrepreneurs, employees & business partners until some who had a session with me reported a mysterious imaginary pattern. Focusing on those weird patterns & tracking every tiny movement in my brain, I meticulously mapped each movable area that adds, retains, alters, and detaches memories. It turns out my mapping works universally. People who tried were confused about how a couple of their pet peeves & unresolved issues from year-long therapy sessions disappeared after one session.

Change Myself Before Offering To Others. The irony was, while helping people and simulaneously running startups, I faced several calamities and losses that led me to insanity, major depression, organ camps, intense rage, you name it, neither the psychologist nor my previous inner healing were of any help. It seemed that this was the most hurtful episode so far in my life but in fact turned myself into the best guineapig alive to advance this new technique. I embarked on an inner journey to modify my memories using the newly formed muscle map so nothing would trigger even the slightest cramp or pressure in my body. After a few years, I feel so free and don't really have an urge that bypasses my consent to do something, albeit not perfectly, and cramps from ulcers or other causes can be removed. I have been helping people in the US and Indonesia.

More detail. I have mapped mind functions and developed visualization techniques tied to how brain movements tweak memories. As of Aug 2023, I've still seen a constant success rate from more than 1500 subject cases from diverse dozen participants. I believe it has to be universal, reproducible, outcome-based predictable, and checked against all odds. The only barrier to healing is openness to trying and recalling the correct memory.


What's the process like?

You can tell me what's bothering you, and I'll keep asking questions until I've grasped a conflicting mindset or a trauma that makes you angry or cold resurfaces. Then I'll tell you what to do in order to permanently remove or modify that memory. I will first guide you in real time until I am confident you can do it on your own. It is that simple. Unless you bring it up, there will be no privacy during the session. The entire session is kept confidential.

Is this a therapy? will my problem go away?

It falls under spiritual coaching / inner healing. This is not a clinical or licensed therapy. I am not giving you solution for your worldly problem, I simply liberate you from being jailed by your thoughts & emotions. This is neither hypnosis nor physical treatment.

Is this NLP/EMDR/Hypnosis?

No it is not, but the brain mapping I created completely explains how they work. To be more precise, these terms/professions have cross-hijacked various brain functions, making it difficult to explain the difference to the general public who don't know how to switch a memory canvas on the left pre-frontal cortex at will. For example, a stage hypnosis often uses some EMDR techniques as an entry point to confuse a person, however, it is not common to hear a correlation between the two in the public domain. For the sake of explaining similarity to the public: EMDR is similar to Mind Surgery only in that it doesn't expand a relaxation memory as an entry point, while Hypnosis and Mind Surgery are similar in that both encompass multidiciplinary brain functions, making both multipurpose.

How is it different from Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy?

Mind Surgery sets itself apart from traditional psychotherapy and mentalist practices by targeting the root causes of emotional and cognitive barriers, rather than just addressing symptoms or using suggestive techniques. Unlike psychotherapists, who often work through verbal communication and cognitive strategies, Mind Surgery utilizes advanced techniques to directly restructure and eliminate foundational obstacles within the mind. Unlike mentalists, who may focus on psychological manipulation, our approach involves precise methods for dismantling and transforming ingrained beliefs and memories. This comprehensive method facilitates profound, lasting change and personal growth that goes beyond the limits of conventional therapies. Our focus is on empowering individuals to achieve genuine transformation and emotional freedom through innovative cognitive techniques.

What does science say about it?

I am all for law of fundamental science and run a close circle journals for more than 1500 applications, and the result is 100% so far. Our view and finding can be put on some Learning Theories. Science must be definitive, repeatable, and universal. I do not consider any democratic, psychic, research paper, or pseudoscience often used in empirical behavior categorization as a law, often referred as truth by the general public. After labeling all movable areas and experiment on how memory works using frameworks in physics and philosophy, I realized Prof. Emeritus Alan David Baddeley from University of York has been writing research papers in the space for decades, yet my labels & arrows are similar but not exactly the same.

How long will it take before I become well?

Removing a memory is super fast, but not your all issues in life. Regular people may have thousand mindsets they can remove to gain full control of their will. Trauma wise differs from person to person, but severe ones may go up to ~30 cases, and some may have hundreds. When one goes through a phase of removing drastic issues, removing one may take 5-20 seconds but it is not possible to remove all causes at once, because you can only remember a few problems at a time. When one subject is gone, another will enter the queue uninvited, making it feel forever, only those who are determined to be free will eventually attain them. If you are a deep thinker, restructuring mind is much easier as more details may have been consciously labeled. It is also helpful if you constantly meet other people you don't necessarily like, as your mindsets get triggered, thus making it clear what to remove. To get rid of the memory that generate your muscle and brain pressure you need a constant awareness to what and how you are thinking. This can only be achieved if you can already perform this technique yourself or are super aware about everything, probably after a year of extensive coaching.

Is this only for Catholic?

I've helped other faiths who sought my help. The philosophical base that I use to have mindsets that don't explode amid painful disasters is a mix of Catholic and Orthodox faiths. I reject proselytization, but I will suggest that you imagine an actor during the session. My sole recommendation will be monotheist God & Jesus to avoid worsening the problems. You are welcome to alter the persona to make yourself comfortable.

Is Mind Surgery just faith-based counseling or divine intervention?

No. While Mind Surgery incorporates spiritual principles, it is not traditional faith-based counseling or sole reliant on divine intervention. Instead, it uses structured techniques to alter memories, grounded in real-world, reproducible methods.

Is Mind Surgery similar to cognitive reprogramming or mental reframing?

No. Unlike traditional cognitive reprogramming, Mind Surgery uses specific visualization methods to directly associate, disassociate, or remove memories, going beyond mere reframing and leading to profound memory transformations.

Does Mind Surgery lack empirical evidence?

The approach is reproducible and follows a structured framework of laws and physics to produce consistent results across different clients and cultural backgrounds.

Why can the human brain only remember seven items at once?

The brain can hold seven items due to the way submemories are associated with muscle tensions. These submemories can be grouped into broader categories, which enables chunking and easier recall.

Is Mind Surgery based on miraculous healing?

No. The transformations in Mind Surgery are not based on miracles but on specific, repeatable methods. The process does not rely on divine intervention but instead on a systematic approach to memory alteration.